Racism in American Uncle Tom: A human who believes his own race is lower than every man.
As I enter the door for orientation I am greeted with this statement: He comes another one trying to get some free money from the government. Read what happens next: Justified License to Kill @ Nobody stayed dead
Upside stereotypical Racism: Can very well be a hazard to your health especially composed with low self esteem issues which can lead to a technical knockout. Justified License to Kill @ Nobody stayed dead
Upside down racism: Earth tone Lady makes a fabricated call to the police as I exit her apartment. Two dozen Police surround me with weapons pointed at my head threatening to kill me for a crime I didn’t commit.
My Memoirs: Justified License to Kill@ Nobody stayed dead
Bully Racism in America: Sheriff ignores the driver not yielding to a stop sign. This same Sheriff ignores a physical assault on another individual. Instead this racist officer of the law places me in jail for the entire weekend simply for being copper colored. My bio: Justified License to Kill@ Nobody stayed dead
Racism in America: Just because you are captured and sold to the new world does not necessarily mean you are the same race as your oppressors that sold you. Zondervan’s Compact Bible Dictionary:
Ham – The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites.
Racism in America: Mexican American Native American Asian American African American and White. Do the math
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Justified License to Kill@ due to Racism
Eracism in Oregon: I was informed by a middle aged female cashier in a unfriendly tone to produce four pieces of picture identification in order to cash my check from a local company. My story: Justified License to Kill (Nobody stayed dead)
Oregon Racism: To my supervisor’s amazement I easily manage to reset & reboot a new silicon polishing machine without any assistance. Then to my astonishment he apologizes and says; my parents raised me to believe that blacks are subhuman and unintelligent. They were absolutely wrong he said shaking my hand.
Eracism in America: Illogical science of ignorance is designed to deceive the masses with fabricated facts.
How is a recessive gene considered superior? While a dominant gene is considered inferior. Monkey Mathematics.
Eracism in America: My parents born colored, I was born Negro, my identification says Black, now I am African American according to the media. Not to mention the diabolical desensitizing byword used to demoralized a human being’s character (Nigger) Read my true story: Justified License to Kill @ Double Jeopardy
Stand your Ground Law is a unjustified License to Kill because it allows a person to legally murder simply because you verbalize your life is in danger without a malicious act that suggest life threatening danger.
Fifty shades of Hate: Bethany lied superficially putting innocent black women in question, false accusation of a self inflicted acid assault. This is another example of blame black’s while sidestepping the truth.I have been exposed to a orgy of Racism, similar to Amanda & Bethany’s deception, is a way of life in the Pacific Northwest
.My Memoirs entitled: Justified License to Kill @ Goggle
Amanda Knox: Lied and put a innocent black man in jail for two weeks. This is a crafty Racist tactic guilty people use to avoid being responsible, for their obstruction’s of the law. They have been habitually programmed to blame a minority of their crimes and should avoid their guilt, any means necessary. Allowing blacks to serve their sentence as a cursed soul should. This is why the freed slaves and their descendants could not leave this continent, Captivity.
Read my Oregon double jeopardy story entitled: Justified License to Kill @ Scribd
Oregon Racism: Accidentally driving into a cross burning, sheet wearing KKK meeting, we barely escaped alive.
Memoirs: Justified License to Kill @ Goodreads
Black Hero Saves 12 Caucasians in Oregon with a Claw Hammer. Rollercoaster story of habitual Racism.
Book entitled : Justified License to Kill@ Amazon.com